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What is the difference between Synthetic, Soft, and Hard Enamel?

The major differences between these three colouring materials will be in terms of aspect and quality:
Synthetic Enamel: will probably be the best material to render bright and flashy colors. Furthermore, the process used enables to give a shiny aspect. Finally, the colors will be leveled even with the metal boarders. The front-side surface of the item will be totally flat.
Hard Enamel: distinguishes itself from Soft and Synthetic Enamel. In its primary aspect, Hard Enamel is in powder. It liquefies whenever it is baked. Although the colors will not render as well as Soft and Synthetic Enamel, Hard Enamel will last hundred of year without changing or being scratched.
Soft Enamel: is generally used for products of lower quality. It can be recognized easily, as the colors will be in recess compared to the boarders. The boarders will distinctly appear on a first plan. 
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